About Geo Phone Ltd

Geo Phone is an entry to mid-level innovative mobile brand of EBS* for aspiring generations. Adopting “Dream-Innovate-Enjoy” as its brand philosophy, Geo Phone’s mission is to provide value for money for fiscally conservative population who needs social connectivity to enrich their lives.

Geo Phone Ltd, H # 32 (7th F), R # 02
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
+88 (0) 192 2225 500


Lift: 5, House: 28, Road: 5, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Phone: 01810-004215

Geo Phone (A concern of Billion10 Communications Ltd.), Rangs Fortune Square, House - 32, Road - 2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka - 1205.

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